Saturday, May 30, 2015

Pastel Vibes.

Something I always pay close attention to whenever watching a movie is color scheme. Every wall color and costume pattern is should be there for a reason. While I love a dark movie, it's really the pretty pastel ones that make my eyes happy. Here are some of my favorites:
  • Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette
I love how it feels both antique and modern at the same time.
  • Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands
The word pastel probably doesn't come to mind when you think of Burton's films, but his use of Easter shades in Edward Scissorhands is perfect. I love the contrast between Edward's color palette and the rest of the film. 
  • Wes Anderson's Grand Budapest Hotel
The amount of pink in this movie is overwhelming in the best way possible. But seriously, why aren't there more pink hotels around?!
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